Sunday, April 26, 2015

#ArtJournaling #MixedMedia #MailArt

In my previous post I told you about my creative pursuits. Well, lately I have gotten into doing mixed media art and mail art. Basically, you just use different media, like paint, ink, paper, stamps, fabric, and such and make art. Mail art is just what it sounds like art you mail. In short you put art on your envelope or package. I have only sent one piece of mail art so far. I like to send to other creative people or mixed media artist. So when I sent my mail art I did art on the envelope as well as sent some art and creative things. Some of the things I sent included coffee filters colored with food coloring, painted playing cards, paper towel that had paint and food coloring on it, and another painted playing card I wrote a note on. I really enjoy doing mixed media art. It doesn't have to be perfect, actually I think it look better the more imperfect it is. Here are some examples of my mixed media, and some videos on it. 

Disclaimer: None of the lengths are my videos. All of them are to other peoples videos and projects.

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